NBC Air filtration system
Saving life of home thru shelter for over 1000personels in case of NBC incident and Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) accident
Remarks: NBC Filter specification is different from NPP accident
NBC filtration systems dealing by JACOM are designed, developed, manufactured by BEI (Beth El Industry Ltd., Israel) which is the world leader. Their millions products are delivered civilian, governments, militaries over 80 countries.
USA, Canada, German, Holland, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Macedonia, Spain, Portugal, Greek, Luxemburg, Bulgaria, Turkish, Estonia, Latvia, India, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Israel, Japan etc.
JACOM has delivered Police department, Fire departments, family home, evacuees facilities, hospitals around NPP, Off Site Center etc.

N(Nuclear)B(Biological)C(Chemical)Collective filtration system requires no individual gas mask and hazmat suit, because filtered clean air will insert the shelter via the BEI NBC filtration system.
- Nuclear
- Biological
All nature of Virus, Germ (SARS, TB: tuberculosis, Anthrax, Ebola etc.)
- Chemical
Sarin, Hydrogen cyanide, Mastered gas etc.
Filtration system, made by BEI
Filtration system for NPP accident/ disaster

Application:Filtration of radioactive contamination (prevention of internal exposure)
Example:Evacuee facility (Care/ Nursing facility, Hospital, Gymnasium)
- Filtration efficiency:(Provide filtered air depending on the facility size and evacuees)
- Support TFA (Toxic Free Area) design, Provide pressure adjusting valve etc.
- Support Air Lock system including air flow and pressure system design, provide pressure control valves.
Results:Niigata, Ishikawa, Fukui, Saga, Kagoshima, Shizuoka, (over 50 fiilities)
Air filtration system for the shelter (NBC filtration system)

Application:Filtering nuclear fallout, Chemical agent, Biological virus etc.
Example:Family shelter, middle size shelter etc.
- Provide:36~30,000m3/ h filtration depending on the scale of facility
- Provide supporting for design of TFA, TFA air pressure sustainable system etc.
- Provide design for air lock (entrance/ exit), pressure sustainable mechanism
Vehicle Filtration system for special disaster (NBC filtration system)

Application:Nuclear particle, Chemical agent, Biological virus etc.
Example:Police department, Fire department
Result:Non disclosure